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Enjoying Outdoor
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Girl in Nature

we are all one.

Reiki highlights that at our core, we are all the same. We all have the same life force energy flowing through us.

This is a safe space for all to heal, grow, and embrace our inner power.


What to Expect

Massage Therapy


You deserve to relax. You deserve to feel your best. Rest and relaxation are key to being able to show up as your best self. Reiki is an incredible way to offer your mind, body and spirit rest and relaxation.



When we keep too much bottled up inside emotionally, it spills over and we release it all at once. The same goes for all energy within our bodies. Bottled up energy turns into illness (emotional or physical). Allow yourself to release some of that bottled up energy during your reiki session.

Water Fountain


Take time after your session to help integrate your healing treatment into your body.

Drink a lot of water, allow time to rest, and listen to your body. Take note of any changes you notice mentally, physically and  spiritually and let your treatment help propel you to your next level.


Contact Us

Sun Yoga


500 Terry Francine St. San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel: 123-456-7890


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